Ramadan Mubarak! This week, we will be learning all about how to make our heart ‘sparkle’ with noor, with the “Gift of Ramadan” by Rabiah York Lumbard.
Sophia knows that fasting makes your heart full of noor, but she’s young and it’s so hard...and the chocolate chip cookie looks so good! Is her Ramadan ruined? Will she still be able to fill her heart?
Join Inspired! Book Club to find out, and discover ways to make your Ramadan more meaningful! Inspired Book Club is geared towards children 10 and under and aims to instill a passion for reading and love for Islam through exciting books and age-appropriate discussions.
Ramadan Challenge:
Draw a picture showing a way that you can make Ramadan meaningful even without fasting
How to submit: Email to almira@nwmi.org by Thursday April 22
Raffle winner announced at next Book Club
Prize: $15 Barnes and Nobles Gift card!