Indulge in spiritual meditation through art
Experience a peaceful painting session inspired by the three main branches of Islamic Art: geometric patterns, biomorphic images, and Arabic calligraphy.
This workshop is led by Asma Waheed, a local DMV artist with over 25 years of experience with different mediums of paint. Participants will receive step-by-step guidance in creating their very own Islamic art masterpiece to either take home or donate to a local refugee family! All skill levels are welcome and all materials are provided.
This 2-hour art workshop is for ages 15+ and begins at 5pm. Participants’ families are invited to join from 7-9pm for iftar and outdoor play on the playground and basketball courts on site!
Space for the art workshop is limited to 50 people! Masks will be required in indoor spaces. Registration required.
A donation of $30 is suggested to defray the high cost for this event.